
“It is a simple feat of scientific electrical engineering — only expensive — blind, faint-hearted, doubting world!”
– Nikola Tesla

The world we live in today is becoming more and more connected. The internet of things is spawning massive amounts of data and providing insights on behavior we have never had before.

Engineers are coming up with new solutions to new problems created from this desire to be connected. I’m excited to be an engineer and to have the chance to uncover the new unknown.

These discoveries and breakthroughs will be in robotics, electronics, software and social engineering. My goal is to share the steps I have taken so far and my future endeavors.

About Me
Find out more about my interests.

Work Experience
Information on past work related items.

A page dedicated to outlining my formal education and the classes I’ve taken.

Projects and Labs
A collection of personal projects and labs.

Book Shelf
Some books that I think are really useful.

Reach out to me and connect!